Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dec. 11th Update

I know the title of this blog is boring. I am really having trouble coming up with cute and witty ones! I will try harder next time, promise!

Gavin had his regularly scheduled chemo today. His counts were all back to normal so we were happy to hear that. Last time since they were low, they decreased his dose. They were able to give him the chemo at full strength this time. We will switch the schedule up a little bit the next few weeks due to Christmas - chemo will be on the next 2 Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. Yippy skippy, chemo on Christmas Eve! And at 8 a.m.! Yuck! The schedulers told me it should be a light day so I am planning on napping in a recliner! I might even bring my own pillow!

We are also making another trip to see Dr. Sharma this week. I know we just saw him Monday but the area that is being affected has grown bigger and has hit the mark that necessitates a visit. Thankfully Gavin is not experiencing any pain, swelling, or discomfort. Mentally, it is tough because he definitely does not want to go back to what he went through last summer. We especially don't want to have to pause chemo treatments for more surgery.

Now for fun and exciting news. Grant is coming into town to take Gavin to drive a Nascar car at Lowe's Motor Speedway on Saturday night. It should be a great time for the brothers. The kids and I will probably tag along and take pictures and video. Note to all of you who are wondering: no I am not getting behind the wheel of a Nascar so you don't have to worry. I have no desire to drive fast in a circle!

It hit me this week that I forgot to thank the Alvarez family for the very yummy sour cream chicken. A continued thanks to Pauline Muntz for the delish desserts as well.

Do any of you remember the tootsie pop commercials with the owl who says "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" I don't have that answer but I can tell you that my dog can eat 5 full tootsie pops, 2 partial tootsie pops, and 2 or 3 mini reeses peanut butter cups in about an hour! Dumb dog.

Love and blessings!

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