Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new site

I have decided to move the blog to a CaringBridge site. It seems like it will be easier for everyone to keep updated. The new site addy is


This site will stay up so that the full back story is available.

Love and blessings,


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Gavin's MRI came back clean! Not sure why he had some pain back there but it seems to be lessening and with a clean MRI, Dr. Pal isn't concerned. Thanks for all your prayers!

Love and Blessings,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Changed chemo from Thursday to Wednesday this week because Gavin has a work thing on Thursday.

Yesterday I had been thinking of opposites, really couldn't get the concept out of my head. Good and evil, happy and sad, light and dark. Then today I ran across this quote by Patrick Swayze who is battling pancreatic cancer, "I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer, but in the light." I believe the following is also true...Gavin, and Patrick, are not just hoping for a future to be lived in the light, but are choosing to life their life in the present in the light. They aren't letting the shadow, the darkness, of their cancers rule their world.

Love and blessings,

Happy 2009!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. We had a nice and relaxing one. We didn't do everything we had planned on but that's o.k. December was so hectic, especially the week before Christmas, that it was nice to just sit back and enjoy each other's company. I will confess, we did spend quite a bit of time playing with the new Wii! It is my amateur opinion that one's hand/eye coordination seriously declines the older they get!

Gavin had a chemo treatment on Christmas Eve but had the rest of the time off from any treatments or doctors' appointments. Of course that has all changed this week! Today (yesterday? it's 12:32 a.m.) he had an appointment with Dr. Barkley, the pain doc. They are decreasing his pain meds (good thing). This decrease kind of resulted from the fact that Gavin completely missed his morning pain meds on Sunday and didn't even notice until around dinner time! He was a little achey mid to late afternoon but nothing to put up the alarm that he missed taking any of his drugs. Hopefully he can get down to near a pre-September hospital stay dosage since he is less sleepy having less pain meds. Gavin is also going in for an MRI tomorrow. He has been suffering from some neck/base of skull pain for going on 3 weeks and they just want to double check to make sure it's nothing to be concerned about. I am trying hard not to borrow trouble but prayers would be appreciated. Then on Thursday he starts chemo again. I honestly have lost track as to what round this is and my calendar isn't near me. It must be around the 4th round. That's my guess and I'm sticking with it! Unless the MRI shows something, Dr. Pal isn't planning on doing any CT scans in the near future. Gavin had so many scans at the end of summer/beginning of fall that a break from them would be a good idea. I know I haven't mentioned Dr. Sharma yet and that's because we haven't seen him since mid-December! I think we see him in another few weeks to check on Gavin's dead bone, sooner if an infection sets in, but so far so good!

I will end this with a little bit of a vent...why can't the Ohio State Buckeyes win a bowl game??? For goodness sake, after a tight first half, they came out and stunk up the 3rd quarter. Then they teased us by going ahead with only 43 or so seconds to go and blew it and let Texas score! I'm still not entire positive Texas got the 1st down on that 4th down conversion. There, I've had my say. College football season is done for me - Go Panthers!

Thanks to Linda Preston for the delish sandwiches and Pauline Muntz for the lovely desserts.

Love and Blessings,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2 Years

This week is a milestone. Exactly 2 years ago is when Gavin was diagnosed. Exactly 2 years ago our lives were turned upside down. Exactly 2 years ago we were introduced to a strange new world filled with big words, scary words. Exactly 2 years ago, tears flowed freely.

Exactly 2 years ago we were blessed. Not everyone gets to see how he or she impacts others lives. Gavin was blessed to have this happen. We were also blessed with the outpouring of love and support and prayers from a wonderful group of friends and family. In this way we continue to be blessed every day.

2 years ago we could never have imagined the journey we have been on. 2 years ago all we knew is that cancer had entered the scene and there was no delete button. 2 years ago we had no clue as to how encompassing this disease would be, how it would effect everything big and small in our lives.

2 years ago we had hope. 2 years ago we had faith. 2 years ago we focused on the future because the alternative was not an option.

Today we still have hope. Today we still have faith. Today is that future.

We love each and everyone of you and thank you for sharing in our journey.

Maria and Gavin

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dec. 11th Update

I know the title of this blog is boring. I am really having trouble coming up with cute and witty ones! I will try harder next time, promise!

Gavin had his regularly scheduled chemo today. His counts were all back to normal so we were happy to hear that. Last time since they were low, they decreased his dose. They were able to give him the chemo at full strength this time. We will switch the schedule up a little bit the next few weeks due to Christmas - chemo will be on the next 2 Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. Yippy skippy, chemo on Christmas Eve! And at 8 a.m.! Yuck! The schedulers told me it should be a light day so I am planning on napping in a recliner! I might even bring my own pillow!

We are also making another trip to see Dr. Sharma this week. I know we just saw him Monday but the area that is being affected has grown bigger and has hit the mark that necessitates a visit. Thankfully Gavin is not experiencing any pain, swelling, or discomfort. Mentally, it is tough because he definitely does not want to go back to what he went through last summer. We especially don't want to have to pause chemo treatments for more surgery.

Now for fun and exciting news. Grant is coming into town to take Gavin to drive a Nascar car at Lowe's Motor Speedway on Saturday night. It should be a great time for the brothers. The kids and I will probably tag along and take pictures and video. Note to all of you who are wondering: no I am not getting behind the wheel of a Nascar so you don't have to worry. I have no desire to drive fast in a circle!

It hit me this week that I forgot to thank the Alvarez family for the very yummy sour cream chicken. A continued thanks to Pauline Muntz for the delish desserts as well.

Do any of you remember the tootsie pop commercials with the owl who says "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" I don't have that answer but I can tell you that my dog can eat 5 full tootsie pops, 2 partial tootsie pops, and 2 or 3 mini reeses peanut butter cups in about an hour! Dumb dog.

Love and blessings!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Dec. 7th. is your tree up?

Yes! Our tree went up on Friday night. The challenge is always to get it up early enough so you aren't turning right around and taking it down. The pets have left it alone pretty much, although the cats do like to sleep on the tree skirt. By the end of the season, my pretty red tree skirt will look almost white! At least they aren't climbing the tree! I had a cat growing up who would sleep in the tree, about 3/4 of the way up. You would walk by and see these yellow eyes peering out at you. He never knocked a single decoration off though.

O.k. enough of my trip down memory lane. This was Gavin's off week of chemo so hopefully his body will have a chance to restore some and his counts won't be low when we go in on Thursday. He did make an unexpected trip in to see Dr. Sharma. The antibiotics have worked in reducing the swelling completely and eliminating most of the discomfort but now Gavin actually has another piece of dead bone poking through. It feels a little like deja vu! Best case scenario is that the bone will just work it's way out or wall itself off enough that Dr. Sharma can just flick it out. Worst case scenario is that the doc will have to go in and dig it out which means another outpatient surgery. We are really praying that doesn't have to happen because we don't want to have to delay chemo treatments at all. We have an appointment in a few weeks to check-up on it's progress.

Have a great week!

Love and blessings,

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Giving thanks during a difficult week.

This week was such a heart-breaking week in so many ways. Our world has lost such an inspiring spirit and she will be missed in so many ways. Natalie could be quiet at times but that smile would speak volumes. Throughout the past 9 months she was such a witness to her faith. She never wavered in knowing that God was going to take care of her. Was she ever scared, confused, anxious, maybe even angry? Of course she was, we all were on some level. Instead of giving into those destructive and negative emotions, Natalie time and time again leaned on her Saviour to get her through the darkness and into the light. Her God gave her the ultimate healing, He freed her from the pain. Yes we humans miss her down here, we miss her terribly. There will be many more tears shed during the next weeks and months. But what we have lost down here, heaven has gained. Really, we didn't lose her completely...she lives on in our memories, our hearts. On bad days we just need to look up towards the heavens and see her sitting with Jesus, smiling that smile of hers and cheering us on.

The last few days have been very rough for Gavin and I. Throughout the "normalcy" of life we don't have to face the possible realities of the future. We have always tried to focus on the positive and live with hope in our hearts every single day. I don't think I can even adequately explain the variety of emotions that we experienced this past week. All I can say is that we are truly blessed to have friends who love us and support us and know how we are feeling before we are even feeling it. We are blessed to have had Natalie in our lives to inspire us. The courage and dignity and faith she showed during her cancer battle is a wonderful legacy for all of those going through tough times, whether it is a health issue like cancer or anything else.

Thank you for loving us.

Oh I almost forgot...Gavin's counts are a little low so if you are sick, please keep your distance. At the moment, no doctor's appointments this week. How weird is that? Might possible add one w/ our fav. Dr. Sharma!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drew's facebook note

I wanted to post something Drew wrote on facebook. He's a pretty amazing kid, I think I'll keep him!

"Just as Lyndon B. Johnson stood before Congress after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, I too would give anything and everything in the world to not be sitting here, writing this note. As I'm sure everyone knows, Natalie Yokeley, at the young age of 13, passed away to be with the Lord on Monday night. No pain was felt, and as she closed her eyes and took one last breath, I know that God's spirit was in that room, with Natalie, Will, Tom, and Kathy. None of us will ever understand the suffering that Natalie endured or the pain and agony of this burden that was placed on the entire Yokeley family. And as we enter this Christmas season, none will be more difficult and somber than this one for this family. Which brings me to this point: what can we do as a youth group, as a church, as a family, as friends, as brothers and sisters, as God's people, to make this time of year one that is truly special and memorable for the Yokeley's.... if not that, a time of year which they can feel the love and compassion of their friends...."
"You won't be coming back and I didn't get to say goodbye... I really wish I'd got to say goodbye..."Yellowcard- "View From Heaven"

We (heart) NY

Quick update on Gavin's mouth...stronger antibiotic is working and the swelling is down. His pain has lessened considerably. CT scans don't show anything to be worried about. Current course of treatment is to just keep him on this antibiotic indefinitely.

Update on our friend Natalie, the 13 year old girl at church battling cancer: It is with a broken heart that I tell you that this precious girl went home to her Saviour yesterday. She fought bravely and determinedly. She never wavered from her faith, instead she drew from her faith and allowed God to shine through her life in every way. We take comfort in knowing that she is now healed and free from pain and sitting with her Lord. We love you Natalie and feel blessed to have been your friends.

Please pray for Tom, Kathy, and Will, her extended family and our church, along with the children and youth.

Love and blessings,
Gavin and Maria