Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Latest News and upcoming activities

Recent Good News...

Yesterday I had my blood test for the 3rd week of Chemo Round 4 (this time, 10 total...) and it was all great news. White, red and hemoglobin counts were all very high and nowhere near risky levels. I have been receiving Neulasta shots following my chemotherapy and that is what has been keeping my numbers up!


Tomorrow ( 12-12-07) I have a CT scan to review our progress on my cancer after 4 rounds this time, then we have a scheduled Dr. visit next Monday. Please pray for good progress! Depending on the scan results and how my body is holding up we will likely continue through 2 more chemo rounds ( 12/17-19th & 1/7-9th) .

Thanks and praise!

I'd like to say a quick praise to God for giving me the strength to speak this past sunday about how God gives me peace during this trying time for our family. Also, a special thank you to our choir director for both asking me to speak and all her hard work on producing a wonderful winter cantata sunday. It was such a blessing to hear and participate.

For those who could not be there...

I am going to include my testimony that I delivered at church yesterday with the thought that others might be touched by it and ask God for the same peace he's given me during trials and tough times.

We love you all, have a wonderful Christmas season with your families; and remember... He is the reason for the Season !!!!


Gavin & Family


Peace is the Presence of God

As some of you know; on December 18th of last year I was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. The doctors found cancer in my liver, pancreas, rib, hip and a tumor inside my spine. The way that the Doctor’s broke the news to me was possibly the worst way imaginable… I was home alone and my family doctor called my house and proceeded to tell me that an MRI of my spine showed a tumor inside pressing my spinal cord. This was the source of the pain I’d been feeling for the previous 6 months or so. I was home alone… I thanked him politely and hung up the phone. Honestly, right at that moment my world crashed around me. Here I am, a reasonably healthy 34 year old, married man with 3 children… I’m not supposed to get a disease like cancer. Cancer is supposed to happen to other people right? I began to tremble and broke down into tears. I called my wife Maria and through tears and emotion I choked out “Please come home. I just need you as soon as you can get here.” Maria wanted to know what was wrong but I simply could not explain or talk more on the phone. Did I feel God’s presence or peace during those moments? Not at all. Based on what they saw on the MRI, the Doctors wanted me to get to the hospital as soon as possible. No waiting for the kids to get home from school, not much time to pack, tell friends or make plans for someone to take care of our household & children, just get to the hospital in a couple hours.

After spending 3 days in the hospital with constant tests, evaluations and blood samples, I was able to go home and be with my family. I do remember those days in the hospital, and during those hectic days I do remember feeling the presence of God most vividly when Maria and I would lay together in the hospital bed holding each other. Even amidst the IV Tubing, beeping monitors and hospital noises I could feel His presence and was calmed by it.

Since that time, my family and I have been through 10 radiation treatments and 10 chemotherapy cycles so far. Many times throughout the past year I have had to come to grips with certain facts of my situation, and for every single one God has been there and ultimately given me Peace to accept them. When I stop and really think about my situation and all it’s possible outcomes, both good or bad and try to figure out what I will do; I can get overwhelmed with emotion. It’s only when I stop to say a prayer to God and give the worry and problem to him, that I feel His presence and Peace. When I have another CT scan to figure out the effectiveness of Chemotherapy, we normally have a few days until results and Doctor Meetings occur. During those days I can feel the Peace and presence of God when I simply stop focusing on what the results or my actions will be, and calmly let God take control. God’s presence gives me hope during some of the darkest times, provides me comfort accepting some tough truths and He is there for strength whenever I need him. What is also amazing is the strength and power of prayers from others. I don’t know how many times Maria and I have directly felt at peace and calmed by the prayers of this church family and others!

I know that there are times that the human world I live in requires decision and action, and I am able to make those decisions confidently knowing that God loves me; and ultimately no matter what I decide or what outcome occurs that I am bound for Heaven to be with Him.

I am not healed, I am not cured; but I know that if I keep my eyes on the Lord… I have Peace.

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