Monday, May 5, 2008

Gavin's new nickname - "Clutz"

In case you haven't heard, Gavin fractured a bone in his wrist this past Saturday. Was this related to his cancer? Heck no!

How the event unfolded...

We have been doing some remodeling in our house recently. O.k., so Gavin has been doing some remodeling and I've been telling him what I want done! (Is that a better explanation honey? lol) He was standing on about the 4th step of an 8 foot ladder sanding the wall for some reason when he lost his balance and fell off. I was not home at the time. I had run to the local Harris Teeter and was gone about 30 minutes max. I walk into the kitchen to find him shaking his left hand. (If it wasn't broken before, it sure was after he was done shaking it!) I proceed to ask him what is wrong. The reply I got was "You don't want to know." Now all wives know that is code for "I did something stupid and don't want to tell you but I know you'll drag it out of me so I might as well fess up!"

Gavin being the tough (and heavily medicated on a daily basis) man that he is returns to his project. I'm bopping around the house when I notice an hour later that he has it wrapped in an ace bandage. Fast forward to dinner when he realizes that it may be worse then he originally thought when he has trouble unbuttoning his shorts for a potty break. (sorry about the visual!) He also thinks that since he is already on some heavy narcotics, he might not be able to feel the full extent of the pain.

Off to the ER (bummer no George Clooney working) after dinner. Can you believe we were in and out of CMC Pineville in about 2 hours on a Saturday night? X-ray showed a fracture in one bone but the doc said that a follow-up x-ray might show more fractures in a few days. He has an appointment at Orthocarolina for Thursday to find out next step.

I think that Cindy A. and Gavin will have to start a "we have fallen off ladders and lived to tell about it" club! If you want to join, you'll have to find a ladder and somehow manage to fall off of it. A broken bone or more will allow you to waive the membership fee!

On another note, Gavin is in Connecticut Monday and Tuesday visiting clients. He has had a rough time since we returned from Disney so pray for strength and energy for him during these busy 2 days.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there!



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