Monday, June 9, 2008

Quick update

Well, the house remodel is almost done. A big thanks to Ulrich for helping Gavin start it off. Also a big thanks to Rob for finding us a drywaller at the last minute (long story...). Most of the downstairs is painted and it looks like a different house. Hopefully by the end of the month we will be able to get the last few rooms done and enjoy the changes completely.

Gavin's wrist continues to heal. He goes back to the ortho doc on Thursday to hopefully get his cast off. I've already told him that I am not staying in the room when they cut that thing off! P.U. He also follows up with the sleep doc and spine doc this week. Talk about a busy appointment week! The spine doc should be quick and painless. It's usually a 5 minute appointment to tell Gavin that he is doing well. The doc is a great guy though so we don't mind driving to Randolph to visit him. Not sure what the sleep doc will say. We do know that he does not have sleep apnea. And actually from my perspective it seems like his sleep schedule has been better. He has been weaning off the effexor so maybe that was the cause (it had been suspected as being part of the problem).

Prayers for next week: Gavin is traveling to Toronto from Mon.-Thurs. to teach a training class. Drew will be at his music camp from Sun.-Sun. and will be traveling around N.C. Wed.-Sun. It's also a CT week (prob. on Friday since that is the only day Gavin will be in town).

Speaking of Drew's music camp - the choir will be singing at University City UMC on Friday night, June 20 if you are interested in hearing them sing. If you would like to meet for dinner beforehand, let me know. I'm in the process of trying to figure out a restaurant. If you have a suggestion, let me know a.s.a.p.

Lastly, (I know I said a short post!):

24 Hours of Booty is coming up quickly. To refresh your memory, it is a cycling fundraiser held here in Charlotte. The proceeds go to help fund cancer research. Obviously this is a cause near and dear to our hearts. If you would like to donate please go to, click on donate. Our team name is Tour de Sharpe. The website will also guide you as to how to donate off-line if you are not comfortable donating online.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!


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