Monday, June 23, 2008

Update 6/23

I hope I haven't sent anyone into shock, 2 blogs in 1 week!

Here's what's going on...Dr. Pal really wants to get Gavin's tooth extractions taken care of so he is going to the oral surgeon at 7:30 Tuesday morning for that. He is getting 4 teeth pulled so pray for an easy recovery.

The CT results came back with mixed results. The pancreatic lesion is still stable. However, the liver lesions have grown some. What does this mean? It means that the doc needs to change up the chemo treatments. Gavin will be receiving carboplat and camptosar 1 time a week every 3 weeks. Fewer days spent in the chair but a slightly longer day. Dr. Pal wants to administer 2 courses of these chemos and do another CT scan to see if it's working. He is also concerned about the toxicity of the carboplat since Gavin was receiving that drug last spring. So his next chemo treatment will be July 3rd.

Unfortunately not the news we had hoped to receive. We always knew that the chemo was maintenance but I know I was hoping for a longer span of time of it working. Hopefully the new chemo will arrest the development of the lesions again.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. Thanks for lending your ears when we just need to talk, thanks for your arms when we just need a hug, thanks for your shoulders when we just need to cry, thanks for the tissues when we are out of them, and thanks for your love at all times.

Loving each and every one of you!

P.S. Continue to pray for Natalie Yokeley, Kelly Braxton, Cindy Flanigan, and Kim Whisnant as they all continue their own battles with cancer.

P.S.S. Please go to and donate to our team -Tour de Sharpe! We are raising money for cancer research by riding our bikes around and around and around!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love you guys!! Nuff said!
