Thursday, November 20, 2008

That darn mouth!

Chemo has been going well. The nasty headache and nausea that Gavin has been having when waking-up on Tuesday mornings are under control thanks to a great suggestion by one of his nurses. She recommended that he take a motrin and anti-nausea drug before bed as a preventative measure - and it worked! Yea! He was still pretty fatigued on Tuesday but at least he didn't also feel cruddy.

The big issue this week has been his mouth. The site where he had work done has been sore off and on this entire time. The pain really set in this week along with quite a bit of swelling. Dr. Sharma prescribed a stronger anti-biotic and that seems to be helping with both issues, pain and swelling. He goes back on Monday to check the progress. Best case scenario is that this is just a little bit of an infection that Dr. Sharma might have to just drain to take care of. Worst case scenario is that there is more dead bone in there that will need to come out. If that is the case then it brings up a whole other set of issues to do with chemo treatments.

We also saw Dr. Barkley this week for a check-up on the pain meds. This is another doctor we are blessed to have on our team. He really takes the time to find out what's going on in our lives and the kids' lives. I feel as if he isn't just treating Gavin but is treating the entire family. Nothing changed from that visit and we see him again in a month.

Another bit of drama this week was Mackenzie and her fear of shots. She pretty much freaked out on my the other night thinking about having to have a flu shot. Not getting one is not an option in our household due to Gavin's health. God provided for her today - her pediatrician has the flu mist so she won't have to get a shot. When I told her this, she ran around the house exclaming "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!" It was a very heartfelt display of gratitude. Drew has also opted for the mist but Austin has manned-up and chosen the shot. I admit, I am relieved to not have to put Mackenzie through the trauma of a shot when there is another option.

I will update after our appointment with Dr. Sharma on Monday. Pray for the best case scenario!

Love and blessings!


Unknown said...

Praying for his mouth to heal soon!!! We went through the same shot thing too. When it came time our pediatrician actually recommended the mist saying it has shown to be longer acting. She screamed in joy so loud after hearing about the mist that the nurses came in... LOL. So glad that one worked out for you guys too!

Anonymous said...

We'll pray for good news from Dr Sharma & that the flu seaon skips your household!