Friday, October 26, 2007

Bummer blood counts

Well Gavin has been through 2 rounds of chemo so far this time so it was time for a CT scan and blood work. The CT scans showed that the tumors are stable, perhaps even microscopically smaller. Stable is good. However his white blood cell counts, not so good. There is a number that ideally should be 1.0 or higher and Gavin was .57. What does this all mean? He is basically quarantined to the house for at least the weekend, no stores, church, or restaurants. We also cannot have any visitors. They gave him a neupagen shot and he is on a course of antibiotics as a preventative measure. He goes back for another blood test on Monday morning to see if the numbers are better.

While I'm thinking about it, let me remind everyone to get your flu shots. Also, if you are sick, just coming down with something, or just getting over something, please steer clear of Gavin. I'm pretty sure he is going to have immune issues throughout the rest of the chemo treatments. Help keep him as healthy as possible!

On to more lighthearted news.
Last Sunday, Mackenzie had the opportunity to sing along with the chancel choir at church for the first time. We are very proud of her, she worked hard. A special thanks to Christy for rehearsing with Mackenzie any time she asked, even when it wasn't convenient!
My dad is finally all moved in and I think enjoying it so far. I've lived in Charlotte for over 7 years and I believe he is still further along with the unpacking of boxes!
Next Thursday Drew and I are headed up to Toledo for Cindy and Doug's wedding. I'm excited to see everyone.
St. Andrew's is presenting a broadway revue, "A Little Night Music," on Nov. 9th and 10th at 7 p.m. Drew is singing a song from "Guys and Dolls" (actually one he's never had the solo in before) and is "Joseph in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat." Mackenzie is singing and dancing with a group of girls in "Annie's - It's a Hard Knock Life." I am dancing with my group of ladies in the Joseph finale. It's a dinner theater and should be a great time. If you are interested in attending, pick up your tickets before and after church services. If you don't attend St. Andrew's and still would like to enjoy the show, just email me and I'll pick-up the tickets for you.

Thanks for the prayers and sticking with us!

Love, Maria

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