Friday, August 15, 2008

1 Day Post-Op

Gavin is doing pretty well today. His throat is still pretty sore so he's having problems swallowing. He can get his meds down so that's a good thing. His neck is sore as well. It must be the way they had his head resting while they worked on him. At the moment, his "normal" pain seems to be under control which is a heck of a lot better then this past week. Maybe we finally got on top of the pain so it won't be as bad. I sure hope so. It has been so difficult watching Gavin in so much pain this week and feeling helpless. The goal is to talk at length with Dr. Pal on Monday morning and get a comprehesive plan of action so that this does not happen again.

Special thanks to Norma and Jimmie for a yummy dinner. We all loved it! Thanks to Jen for coordinating the meals. Sometimes other people can see your needs better than you can see them yourself as was the case here. I am so thankful to have friends that know me so well! (and still love!)


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